G40 Bailey 1Hp VF Wheel
- Manufacturers List Price
- Gladstone G40 Bailey 1 HP Potters Wheel - Manufacturers List Price £1,750.00 + Gladstone Delivery = £1,915.00 + VAT = £2,298.00
- CTM Discounted Product Price
- CTM SALES PRICE £1,715.00 + VAT = £2,058.00 including delivery to Area 1-5
- Product Extras
- G38 optional seat £165.00 + VAT = £198.00; G34 Shelf £160.00 + VAT = £192.00
G40 Gladstone Bailey 1 HP wheel
The G40 Bailey 1 HP VF Motor driven wheel offers the studio and professional potter a wheel of unparalleled performance and versatility in a compact and user friendly design.
The Bailey wheel has been designed to complement a European style of throwing with the wheel head set at a greater height than most wheels of this style allowing a more comfortable throwing position.
The wheel is powered by a super smooth 1hp drive that is controlled by a computer enhanced VF drive that due to its unique design can generate up to the peak equivalent of over 1Hp under heavy loads this enables the wheel to give constant smooth power through out the speed range and is extremely quiet in operation. The Bailey wheels has a large one piece splash tray and can also be supplied with numerous options that can be added to the wheel. The renowned 1/2 HP model G34 is available at a lower price than the G40.